Advantages: he'll have constant companionship, 3 rooms & a large balcony to roam, warmth.
Disadvantages: I miss him very very much.
In my parents' house he stays mainly in my old room. Unlike here, he doesn't sleep on the radiator though, but in his carrier that's I've dismantled and stored under an armchair. The armchair is next to the bed
Sleepy kitten is silly |
It's almost like he knows I'll come for him one day and he wants to be ready for the trip back home. Isn't he the sweetest thing?
It could also be the fact that it's dark and crammed up in there and no one can bother him when he takes his naps...
Serious kitten is serious |
:( realy sad missy, when will you be taking him back? Or is that not possible at all now?
well, even now it's too early to say ...
am fost ieri la alergolog şi mi-a dat să fac nişte analize dar aşa, din aer şi citindu-mi fişa, concluzia a fost că nu mai am voie cu mâţe, şi dacă fac ceva, fac pe riscul meu - medicamentele nu îşi vor mai face efectul şi va fi nevoie de doze din ce în ce mai mari..and then boom! >_<
Anywaaaay...I don't wanna jinx it! Să fac analizele şi mai vedem după aia
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